此商品為展示機(福利品) — 外觀均有些小刮傷或瑕疵,機器本身功能皆運作正常 。
ArmPi FPV 是您使用 Raspbery Pi 4B 控制器開始和繼續冒險所需的一切! 使用OpenCV處理圖像,加載高清120度攝影機,具有ROS操作系統,內置MoveIt,支援Python程式。 提供人臉識別、撿獲等AI視覺遊戲,豪華版本額外提供了語音識別功能,開源供您學習!
- 機器人套件包括 Raspberry Pi 4B 4GB 開發板板
- 帶有 MoveIt 的 ROS 機器人操作系統,和逆向運動學
- 提供Python程式和詳細教學
- 安裝高清攝影機捕捉實時圖像
- 高精度、數據反饋、接線友好的智能serial bus servo
- 支援PC軟體、手機App和VNC遠端桌面控制
- ArmPi FPV 手臂(已組裝完成) * 1
- 5V/6A電源 * 1
- 地圖 * 1
- 3*3CM彩色方塊 *3
- 彩色球 * 3
- 木方塊 * 3
- QRCODE * 3
- 16G隨身碟(教學資料) * 1
- SD讀卡器 * 1
- 束線帶 * 1
- 十字螺絲起子 * 1
- 樹莓派入門手冊 * 1
- 貨架 (未組裝) * 1
- 語音識別模組 * 1
- 語音合成模組 * 1
- 4PIN線 * 1

Facial Recognition

Tag Recognition

Goods Sorting

Intelligent Stacking

●Stock Enter
Drag the block to shelf in the APP interface and then ArmPi FPV will pick the block according the command.

●Stock Deliver
Choose the shelf No. in the interface. ArmPi FPV will take out the block in corresponding stock.

●Stock Transfer
Set warehouse number for the goods deliver and enter in APP. ArmPi FPV will transfer the block intelligently.

ROS Robot Operating System
ROS (Robot Operation System) is an open source robotics middleware suite. It provides services designed such as hardware abstraction, low-level device control, implementation of commonly used functionality, message-passing between processes, and package management. ROS contributes to robot research and development.
MoveIt! Kinematics
ArmPi FPV robotic arm uses MoveIt! Provided by ROS system for motion planning
Inverse Kinematics
With inverse kinematics, ArmPi FPV is very precise and agile in objects tracking and gripping

APP Remote Control

PC Remote Control

PC Software

Intelligent Bus Servo Powerful Core
Robot arm uses intelligent serial bus servo with high precision, feedback function and convenient wiring which reduces the friction between wire and brackets. The servo at the base is upgraded to a 25KG torque servo so that ArmPi FPV can grab more than 250g and the movement is more steady.

Powerful Control System
- The associated MCU shunts Raspberry Pi workload and reduced resource usage
- Built-in RGB, buzzer, LED and other response devices
- Three IIC ports for extension
- Lead out GPIO pints to your development
- 4PIN ports are compatible with Hiwonder sensors